Saturday, September 25, 2010

Self portrait

i dont know what to do about my self portrait. i want it to be with my dog and i cant pick one or decide if its a good idea or not. please help!!! i love my dog and have wanted to do something with her.

this is a joke i was being a poop to my sister about trying to get my dog to look good and so i was giving her the sass face.... :D


  1. 1. It's really cute but could be confusing perspective
    2. I really like the movement and emotion in that one, it's really good
    3. Bahaha your doggy's face is funny
    4. The picture is funny, but almost too stiff, but I think it could be funny


  2. I was really drawn to this last photo because of the look on your face. i think it really captures your quirkiness, not to mention the sass. It's a good thing. I like it a lot, although if you look at your right arm around your dog, it looks a bit awkward and disconnected. but you could always work around that. And what's also nice about this photo is that you have a defined foreground, middle ground and background with the shadows in the background. My vote is this one:)

  3. i agree with everything allie said. but i also really like the second can see the love connection the best! so my vote is split between those two...sorry if that didnt help at all!

  4. ABBY! i came specifically to your profile to look at these. I really like the last one. it seems the most real and the most interesting. I like the sass :)

  5. I think the first one would work the best. The second one would be cool because you and the dog are opened up to the camera, but your face isn't very lit and the dog kind of gets lost in the background.

    Good lucK!

  6. TIBBBBBBBY. i have a dog too. i really think that the first one(at the top) looks the best and works the most. I like that your kinda like a profile in it. sickness. also the dog looks really calm in that one, i think it conveys the emotion and feeling of both you AND TIBBBBBBY.

  7. I think that the first one looks the most natural, but would be hardest to draw. The second and fourth ones look too posed. the third one would also work if you could get some good shading on tibby's face
